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Breakfast with an Alcoholic
Breakfast with an Alcoholic: Episode 7

Breakfast with an Alcoholic: Episode 7

Breakfast with Sean @ Gracie's Corner Diner

I had a fantastic breakfast with Sean at Gracie’s Corner Diner. As usual, I had a short stack of pancakes, Canadian bacon and coffee—just thought you might like to know. Sean is 37, lives in Queens and has been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for about a year. We talked about how important it’s been for his sobriety to find LGBTQ-centric AA meetings and connect with people there. I believe the stories we share and hear in AA are ultimately what lights the path out for us. There is simply nothing more powerful than going to a meeting and hearing your exact story come tumbling out of someone else’s mouth.

Pour yourself a cup of coffee and join us!

And don’t forget to read the Liner Notes:

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Episode Seven Liner Notes
I hope you had a chance to listen to my breakfast with Sean. If not, well, that’s easily fixed: There are so many things to take away from our conversation, but I think the one that struck me the most is the importance of the power of attraction in recovery. One of the hardest parts of getting sober is having to come to terms with yourself. In Sean’s c…
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Thanks For Letting Me Share
Breakfast with an Alcoholic
Welcome to Breakfast with an Alcoholic! Pour yourself a cup of coffee while we discuss addiction, recovery, how we got sober and what life is like now. To be fair, we get sidetracked pretty often talking about 1970’s music or the Planet of the Apes movies or whatever—all from one of the Upper East Side’s finest diners. It’s a strictly BYOP affair...