Welcome to Thanks for Letting Me Share. We’re addicts and alcoholics who got sober and are staying sober by sharing our experience, strength and hope. That seems kind of stiff. Here:

We think sobriety is pretty groovy and we’d like to share it with you.

I don’t like to toot my own horn, so I asked my robot, you know him as ChatGPT, to come up with a good summary of what TFLMS is about:

“Reading Thanks For Letting Me Share is like having a conversation with your funniest and most empathetic friend, without having to leave your house. And without the awkward silences.”

ChatGPT, 5.31.23

Only you know for sure why you clicked the the “About” button. I’m guessing it’s some combination of these three questions:

Who are you?

What is this?

Why would I ever want to come back again?

Who Are We?

We’re alcoholics and addicts and we got sober working the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Before we go a step further, we think the point of the exercise here is to build a happy, satisfying, sustainable life. For us, working the Twelve Steps of AA is what triggered the changes in our lives. But we know everyone has their own path and we very much respect that. Alcoholism and addiction are terrible diseases that cut a devastating and widening swathe through way too many lives. We support just about anything that helps promote recovery from this disease. We are:

We think this is not just about recovering from a disease.We think it’s much bigger and much better than that. We think that:

Recovery is about recovering the person you lost, the person you were meant to be, the life you were meant to lead.

That’s how it’s been working for us. We found that getting sober by working the Steps and studying the Big Book wasn’t about adopting someone else’s religion or joining some basement-loving cult. Weirdly, in the 80 year old words of the Big Book, we found the path back to ourselves We came to see that the Big Book and the Twelve Steps were really a series of prompts and questions that invited us to see ourselves and our place in the world differently. Working the Steps did way more than help us stop drinking, it transformed us and our lives.

What is This?

Well, we write a lot. We publish Daily Gratitude Lists, here, on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even Tik Tok (conveniently @ThanksFLMS)

Jane writes on Mondays and Thursdays and The Diary of a Sober Girl is a pretty honest, authentic and uplifting glimpse at the life of a 20-something navigating sobriety in Manhattan.

I write on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I’m not sure how you would describe the content, recent topics have included:

Already, that seems like a lot! If getting funny, insightful, slightly off-beat but strangely inspiring writing about addiction and recovery every day isn’t your thing, we have you covered! On Saturdays we publish a round-up of everything we published during the week. We imaginatively call it the:

Seven days of gratitude. One tiny email.

And on Sunday, you’ll be the lucky recipient of:

Don’t worry, it’s just for an internet newsletter.

Why Would I Ever Come Back?

Is that not enough? Okay, wait, there’s more. We also host the podcast Breakfast with an Alcoholic. We discuss addiction, recovery and life in sobriety. To be fair, we get sidetracked pretty often talking about 1970’s music or the Planet of the Apes movies or whatever—all from one of the Upper East Side’s finest diners. It’s a strictly BYOP affair.

We even host an AA meeting:

You’re asking, “This is amazing, how much is all of this inspiration, insight and sobriety going to cost me?”

It’s free.

Subscribe today and you’ll get the Daily Gratitude List, every episode of Breakfast with an Alcoholic, and even

secret diary entries, delivered directly to your inbox, pretty much every single day, for the very reasonable cost of

Free. Free. Free.

This is a labor of love and the most important thing we want to do is share how we got sober and how we stay sober with you. Would we love your support? Yes, we would. Your support (only $5 per month—one cup of coffee) helps us expand this and reach more people. And you’ll get access to the Field Sobriety Guides, our Zoom Big Book Study Groups and our 12-Step Workshops. But like they say at AA meetings, “We’d rather have you than your money.” But if we could have both…

The idea here is to talk about alcoholism, addiction and recovery in approachable, honest and sometimes, funny ways. The idea is to carry the message to more people and fight the stigma that keeps more people from seeking the help they need. We want to build a community based on sharing and respect and love,

a space where everyone can recover together.

How about now?

The work of reclaiming your own life can be hard and a little lonely sometimes. We hope what we’re doing somehow helps you find your own way back. We know this journey has to be yours, after all, it’s the path back to you.

But if you’d like some company…

Subscribe to Thanks For Letting Me Share

Addiction, recovery, alcoholism, how we got sober and how we stay sober.


I write about addiction, recovery, how I got sober and how I stay sober. Also, the Partridge Family, the Planet of the Apes movies and a fair amount of other nonsense. I finally figured out sobriety wasn't a consequence...
PAUSE (Postpone Action Until Serenity Enters).
Hello friends! My name is Jane and I’m an alcoholic. I'm 23, I've been sober since January 1st, 2022, and I'm here to share my experiences about being a young woman in recovery. I hope what I put out on here can help at least one person :)